The Walls of Giza Awaken
An analysis of the geometry and the angles of the
walls surrounding Pyramid 3 at Giza

Hi again all.

Please note below a gift from Petrie. I just recently discovered it after trying to find certain co-ordinates for a certain corner of these walls. I noticed that an angle drawn at a 45 degree angles seemd to hit the bottom SE corner of Pyramid 1 and this led to what you will see below. There is much to be discovered in this image but allow me to develop as it occurred to me. (Please note click any of the images to see a larger version)

Below you will see the first line that I drew and it is fairly obvious as to hitting the SW corner of Pyramid 3. It was one of many revelations that I was in store for.But that was only half the story as it was also on an apparently exact 30 degree angle from perpindicular.

Next I drew the two blue lines you see below. These too were fairly obvious. You can see that they intersect on the north-south wall. From the fact that the angle was 45 degree it was a simple matter to conclude that the distance was 1631.54 south of the SE corner of Pyramid 1 and in the second image below I show a most interesting and unusually amazing measurement.

Here is a most interesting discovery.

And true to all the 1 by 2 by square root of 5 triangles I have fouund and also all the 1 by sqaure root of 3 by 2 right angled triangles as well I will leave you for now with this parting image of the former ...


To Be Continued ...