As Above ... So Below

The numbers of Our Solar System

"The Above"

If Mercury is eqaul to 57,909,050 km or the square root of 2 or 1.4142135624 then:

1 = 57,909,050 / sq rt 2 = 40,947,881.95

Jupiter = 19 (x 40947881.95) = 778,009.757 km

Saturn = 35 (x 40947881.95) = 1,433,175,868.15 km

Uranus = 70 (x 40947881.95) = 2,866,351,736.30 km

Neptune = 110 (x 40947881.95) = 4,504,267,014.18 km

Pluto = 144 (x 40947881.95) = 5,896,495,000.38 km


"The Borderline"

Ceres = square root of 2 + square root of 3 or 3.14626437 = 414,001,000 km

1 = 414,001,000 / 3.14626437 = 131,584,937.35


The Below

Mars = sq rt of 3 or 1.7320508075 x 131,584,937.35= 227,911,797 (actual = 227,939,100 km)

Earth = (440 x 31) / 12 / 1000 = 1.136667 x 131584937.35 = 149,568,212.12 (actual = 149,598,261)

Venus = (411.09 x 2) / 1000 = .82218 x 131,584,937.35 = 108,186,503.8 (actual = 108,208,930)

Mercury = 440 / 1000 = 0.44 x 131584937.35 = 57,897,372.4 (actual = 57,909,050)



