The Pyramids of Egypt

Their Secrets Revealed


Hi all. Not more secrets being revealed I am sure you are saying but you never know maybe I just may have got it right. The work I am going to present is the culmination of many years of study and many diverse sources. John Legon, Jim Allison, Nick Lievense, DUNE and of course the greatest of them all in my opinion The late Clive Ross who's work stands head and shoulders above the rest of us. He was a pioneer and continues to be an inspiration for me as I try to complete his studies. I will not rehash older parts of my studies but will show how I managed to finally tie all the pyramids together.

Allow me to list the pyramids in question:

Sneferu ancient name:
Snefru shines in the South
modern name:
Bent Pyramid
4th Dahshur 188sq.x105h. 1,237,040 54° 50' 35" /43° 22' Sneferu's Bent Pyramid in Dahshur
Sneferu ancient name:
Snefru shines in the North
modern name:
Red Pyramid
4th Dahshur 220sq.x105h. 1,694,000 43° 22' Egypt.Dashur.RedPyramid.01.jpg
Khufu ancient name:
Khufu's horizon
modern name:
The Great Pyramid of Giza
4th Giza 230.3sq.x146.6h. 2,583,283 51° 50' 40" Kheops-Pyramid.jpg
Khafra ancient name:
Khafra is great
modern name:
Khafre's Pyramid
4th Giza 215.25sq.x143.5h. 2,211,096 53°10' Khafre's Pyramid343.jpg
Menkaure ancient name:
Menkaure is godlike
modern name:
Menkaure's Pyramid
4th Giza 103.4sq.x65.5h 235,183 51°20'25? Menkaures Pyramid Giza Egypt.jpg

The first major break through came for me when I discovered that the ratio between The Great Pyramid and P2 was precisely the same ratio between the square root of 3 and the value of Phi. Square root of 3 equals 1.73205081 while Phi is equal to 1.61803399. An easy way to find the value of Phi accurately is simply to take the sine of 18 which is 0.309016994375, double it or times 2 it to get 0.61803399 and then simply add 1. Okay time to do the math. The Great Pyramid has a base agreed upon at 440.00 cubits. G2 has a base of agreed upon (at least one of it's sides) of 411.04. Dividing 440.00 by 411.04 we get 1.07045543013. When we divide the square root of 3 by Phi we get 1.73205081 / 1.61803399 or 1.07046626932, a virtual match. So we could say that The Great Pyramid represented the square root of 3 and G2 represented Phi. Adding fuel to that argument is the fact that the height of The Great Pyrmaid is exactly equal to 5773.50 inches which equals the square root of 3, divided by 3 and then times 10,000 ! I was amazed that no one seemed to think that such a profound match between two numbers which were very sacred to the geometry of Giza was important and was ignored. I let it sit there for quite a while, quoting it every once in a while but it went unhearled. Fast forward to a few days ago and I was once again trying to find rhyme and reason with The Bent Pyramid at Dashar. The best study done to date on this pyrmaid was by John Legon and he chose to use the heights of 110.1 and 89.9 and felt that the correct base for the Bent Pyramid was 362.00 cubits. I am certain he chose 110.1 because at Giza an important distance instead of being 1100 like it should be was instead 1101 cubits. In the past I felt John's work was too simplistic and continued to look for other more profound meanings and distances of bases and heigths and then just the other day I decided to visit his website again and look once again at his solution. The more I looked at it the more it seemed to make sense but I felt that it had to be in the 9/11 ratio and so I decided to keep his base of 362.00 cubits but go with the split of 90 for the lower part and 110.0 for the upper. It is from this decison that the flood gates opened and I slowly started to see the greater overall plan not only at Giza but throughout Egypt. However we start with John Legon's diagram as shown below: Beside his is a diagram with the small changes I made. 110.1 to 110.0, 89.9 to 90.0 this led to the change from 117.4 to 117.75445 (square root of 4000 from 181.0 and thus very easy to remember) for half the base of the upper pyramid.

Now I really did not think that this number, 117.75445 was going to reveal anything but I always divide and test any new number I arrive at and I nearly fell out of my chair when I divided 117.75445 by 110.0 and got ... 1.070494971. I instantly recognized it as the ratio between square root of 3 and Phi but more importantly the ratio between The Great Pyramid and "Khafra's" Pyramid (P1 and P2). It was proof I felt that The Bent Pryamid was showing us exactly the same thing as P1 and P2 and it had been derived by the simple ratio of 11 and 9 ... the same ratio we had found on The Giza Plateau and which defined The Giza Rectangle. After many, many false starts and alleged solutions I was confident I had finally found the correct one. It was to get much more exciting however when the tie-in became more absolute.

Okay we all always look at the pryamids face on to the side. I am not sure why we are programmed to do this but let us do a simple diagram and for a change look at the pyramids on edge. The Great Pyrmaid would be 311.125 by 280 instead of 220 / 280 . This is arrived at by simply squaring the base (440 x 440) multiplying by 2 and then taking the sqaure root to get a diagonal of The Great Pyrmaid of 622.253967 so to figure out the angle we would simply take 1 / 2 the base divided into the height of 280.00 and we get a number which is 1.1111678. It is obvious that this may have been meant to be 1.1111111111 which is 10 / 9. Conversely the other angle would be 41.9872 which has a tan of .9. Now I contend that one of the heights for The Great Pyramid (and yes I am now proposing more than one height) will be 280.014024 cubits. Thus when we use tan of 1.111111111111 or 10 / 9 we arrive at half the diagonal of 311.1266931 and times 2 eqauls diagonal of 622.2533862 which yields a base of 439.9996 cubits. The interesting thing about 280.014024 is where I got it from. The orbital period of Mercury is 87.969 days and so 10 periods take 879.69 and divide this by Pi and we get 280.014024. However there is a second method to arrive at the same value keeping ourselves on Earth this time. The square root of 2 is 1.41421356 and if we multiply this by 198 we get .... 280.01428. To match exactly we would need ... well actual orbital period of Mercury is 87.96908 x 10 = 879.6908 / Pi = 280.014278 So as you can see by this that the square root of 2 x 198 is EXACTLY EQUAL to 10 times the orbital period of Mercury divided by Pi. And our solar system in stone slowly begins to be built.

G1 on Edge:

Let us move on to G2. I am uncertain if anyone has ever noticed this before but it is quite profound. Some of my detractors have suggested that if there really was a rhyme or reason with the pyramids then all of them would have some kind of code or clue. My argument had always been ... but we have not studied the others as well as the pyrmaids at Giza. Now that is no longer true and the code unfolds quite nicely. See below the diagram that uses as a base 411.04 cubits and and the angles of the 3, 4 and 5 sided right angled triangle. Below is the "Khafra" pyramid as it would be viewed on edge.

G2 on Edge:

Now to the best of my knowledge what I am going to show you next has not been noticed before. It is further proof I think that all of the pyramids were built to a common purpose and geometry was but one of the reasons. What that geometry may have been used for will be dealt with in future postings. After doing some research of The Bent Pyramid which I will post soon I turned my attention to The Red Pyramid. This pyramid has always been given the angle of 43 degrees 22 minutes and it had rarely been challenged. Even I seemd to accept it but I now know that IT IS NOT 43 DEGREES 22 MINUTES. Well what is it then you may well ask and how did you arrive at your solution you might ask. Here is my presentation.

The first thing I noted was that the square root of 2 played a very large role in the development of the pyramid measurements and secondly 198 ( 2 x 99 my new favourite base unit) also played a very large role ( sq rt of 2 x 198 = height of G1) so with this in mind I decdied to see what angles and distances I could gather at The Red Pyramid. Now it is always reported that the height of The Red Pyramid is about 104 to 105 meters (4094. 49 to 4133.86 inches or 198.57 to 200.48 cubits) I decided to start with 198.00 becuase it was so instrumental in building The Bent Pyramid and The Great Pyrmaid. But first I had to calculate the angles at The Red and this is what I got: Here is the diagram on how I think The Red Pyramid was meant to be.

The angles I am about to show below, show how P2 (Khafra's Pyramid) and The Red Pyramid are linked perfectly geometrically and since we have shown that The Great Pyramid AND Khafra's Pyramid (P1 and P2 and sq rt 3 and Phi) are linked to The Bent Pyramid they can all be said to be linked together. But how are Khafra's Pyramid and The Red Pyrmaid linked you may well ask. Please see below for when the angles are calculated all is revealed.

And the final drawing ...

So the angle of The Red Pyramid is (at least using one of the heights) is :
43 degrees, 18 minutes and 49.86 seconds !

We will tie in G3 in our next installment.

Don Barone
August 12th, 2015

Part II August 13th, 2015