The Pyramids of Egypt
The Secrets Revealed

Part VI

Sloppiness is as Sloppines Does:
John Legon Finally unmasked

Hi all. Well pretty harsh words for a man who has been synonomous with Giza and Egyptian research for quite some time but I think it is time his hand is called. I have had issues with his analysis of The Giza Rectangle for some time and actually got a chance to mention that in an email that I returned but his diagrams of The Bent Pyrmaid complex are nothing short of misleading. To begin with I think we need to show you his diagram of the complex. Here it is.

If you look at his image you see how he has nicely used 280, 181 and 99 to define
the complex. This gives him an overall dimension of 560 cubit. All well and good
and since according to Petrie the surrounding walls were 80.6 inches or 3.91 cubits
we get an overall size of 560 + 8 (rounded) to get 568 cubits. Major problems
however arise when one checks what Petrie actually measured and wrote. Rather than tell you I will simply post an image of what he wrote in his book:

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He has 11755.7 approx for the measurements and when one adds them together and averages the sides one gets about 570.12 to 570.33 cubis. Now Petrie several times emphasizes that the wall is 80.6 inches wide and this translates to 3.91 cubits. Even being charitable and rounding up to 4 we get 570 - 8 or 562 cubits. Petrie in his notes also states

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When one adds all of these together and takes the average one gets 2149.1 inches and 2149.1divided by 20.62 yields 104.22. Now since the wall is 3.91 cubits thick we get actual 104.22 - 3.91 or 100.31 from the inner wall to the pryamid. If we use actual we
get 570.33 minus 104.33 twice (208.66) and we get 361.67. If we use 570.12 we get 361.46 and firstly that is not 362 ( but very close to what was actually measured) and secondly the distance he has shown as 99 is simply wrong. It is 100 so like his diagram at Giza this one is totally wrong as well.


I will finally take a closer look at his work at Giza and his Giza Rectangle in the very near future and publish my crtique here..

Don Barone
August 14th. 2015