Pi in The Sky_A Sign of Creation
Pi in The Sky
A Sign of Creation ?

Planets Diameter Running Total Ratio of Total Number of Earth Widths in Diameter Running Total of Earth Widths
Mercury 4,879.4 km 4879.4 km 0.0121759 (82.13) 0.38251 0.38251
Venus 12,104 km 16,983.4 km 0.0423797 (23.596) 0.948866 1.33176
Earth 12,756.28 km 29,739.68 km 0.0742111 (13.475) 1.000000 2.331376
Mars 6,794.4 km 36534.08 km 0.091166 (10.969) 0.5326318 2.8640078
Jupiter 142,984 km 179,518.08 km 0.447962 (2.232332) 11.20891 14.0729178
Saturn 120,536 km 300,054.08 km 0.7487424 (1.33557) 9.44915 23.5220678
Uranus 51,118 km 351,172.08 km 0.876300 (1.1411616) 4.00728112 27.59934892
Neptune 49,572 km 400,744.08 1.0000000 3.8860859 31.41543482 = Pi x 10
Total 400,744.08 400744.08 /12756.28
= 31.415434594 or 10 x Pi
  31.41543482 = Pi x 10  

The image below show all planets to scale and 32 (31.4159625) Earths above the rest